Kathmandu : Normally Mother are regarded as the first teacher in anyone’s life. Mother will also show the right path for their children. They will take away from the negative activities of the society. Mother will never want to have their children spending their time with bad circles and living a life in the addiction of alcohol and smoke. And mostly they never wanted their children getting involve in the po**rn activities.
But this case seems totally different with ho**t girl Archana Paneru. Her mother is dr@gging in the world of alcohol, smoke and po**rn. Her mother is in the hu*ge race to make Archana , a top po**rn actress. She is not shame of her activities. According to the mother of Archana, she has raise her child with the best environment and giving the freedom of life. She is letting to hold the cigarettes in her children rather than the educational things. She is being an inspiration to give the nu^^de and po**rn photos to her child.
This video is not to spread the negativity in the society, but to create some thoughts on this sides too. There may be lots of mother like Sunita Paneru, who are pushing their child in shameful world. So, think about it and their life and inspire them in a right track rather than the mess and mu*ddle.

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