From this Narayanhiti palace the last King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah took a leave with a smile. He left the palace and he was the last king of Nepal to stay on that this palace. In this video Broadcast by image channel we can see the condition of that palace who contains the past history of the monarchy.
The shah period ruled the country staying on this palace. From this palace the king from Tribhuwan to Gyanendra ruled the nation. The king couldn’t rule and stay in this palace for long and now this palace has become the Museum. First only the relative of king or related person only could visit this palace but now after it has turned to Museum everyone could visit this palace, the door is open for everyone.
Here in this video we can see the place where the family of the King Birendra were killed. Here we can see the different place where the different family members were k!*lled. This video carries the story behind the Naraynhiti palace.

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